Roskow wastewater treatment plant: 70% lower energy costs thanks to conversion to a new treatment processTurbo purification in Havelland

When it comes to reliability, energy efficiency, service-friendliness and low life cycle costs, turbo blowers are simply unbeatable. The Roskow wastewater treatment plant in Havelland has carried out the practical test - and is completely satisfied. By switching to AERZEN's highly efficient turbo technology and state-ofthe-art aerator technology, it will reduce energy consumption in biology by 330,000 kWh per year and thus significantly reduce wastewater cleaning costs.

To the west of Berlin stretches the Havelland - an idyllic landscape that Theodor Fontane once memorialised in his “Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg”. Today, the area on the outskirts of the capital is a popular excursion and holiday region and the declared destination of many city escapees. The public drinking water supply and wastewater disposal is the responsibility of the Havelland Water and Wastewater Association (WAH) which operates eight waterworks and three wastewater treatment plants (Roskow, Nauen, Ribbeck)
in its catchment area. The largest wastewater treatment plant is located in Roskow. It was built in 1994 and is now rated for 49,000 population equivalents (PE). Every day, 4,000 cubic metres of wastewater from Wustermark, Brieselang, Ketzin and Beetzseeheide are treated. Calculated over the year, this amounts to 1.45 million m3

The target: reducing energy demand and lowering CO2 emissions

In order to reduce energy demand and CO2 emissions, the Roskow wastewater treatment plant carried out extensive construction work between 2021 and 2023. “A lot has changed structurally in these three years,” says Thomas Hantke, Technical Director of the WAH: “We have completely modernised the machine technology, the construction technology and the E/I&C and process control technology. The plant is now up to date in terms of energy efficiency. This results in a number of positive effects regarding energy consumption, CO2
emissions and costs.”

Energy optimisation of aeration technology: key to higher energy efficiency

A central component of this was the energy optimisation of the aeration technology in two aeration tanks. By switching to highly efficient turbo technology from AERZEN and new aerators, the Roskow wastewater treatment plant was able to reduce its energy demand in 2023 by around 330,000 kWh compared to 2022, saving 177 t of CO2. In addition, a digestion plant including an associated CHP plant and upstream pre-treatment was installed in a separate construction phase, which has an annual output of 660,000 kWh. This will save a further 354 t of CO2 per year.

Turbo blowers replace old compressor station

Biological treatment is at the heart of every wastewater treatment plant, but it is also the biggest consumer of electricity and therefore costs. Previously, rotary lobe compressors and Delta Blower positive displacement blowers (two GM 25 S) supplied the microorganisms in aeration tanks 1 and 2 with oxygen. These have now been replaced with five turbo blowers: one AT 50 and one AT 100 per tank and one AT 150 as a central reserve. “The Havelland Water and Wastewater Association has always used AERZEN technology on its wastewater treatment plants. We are well looked after there and feel that we are in good hands. The machines are reliable and the services are outstanding,” says Thomas Hantke, who is delighted with the excellent cooperation. With regard to the turbos, he adds: “We are very happy that the Turbos are so compact. This is very beneficial for our limited installation capacities. They are also service-friendly. An oil change is not necessary. This makes work easier for our operating staff. The brand loyalty also has advantages in terms of spare parts stocks, standardisation, control technology, operation and maintenance.”

The Aerzen Turbo is unbeatable in terms of energy

The Turbo blowers of the G5plus series which are now in operation at the Roskow wastewater treatment plant, are among the most compact and efficient turbos in their
class and are currently unbeatable in terms of energy efficiency: compared to conventional turbo technology, their energy efficiency is up to 10% higher. Compared to
displacement machines such as positive displacement blowers, savings of up to 30% can even be achieved. This can be accomplished by highly efficient individual components,
such as the extremely powerful and energy-saving permanent magnet motor, which meets the future requirements of the IE5 classification (Ultra Premium Efficiency) thanks to the particularly aerodynamic design with turbo impeller and spiral casing and the innovative multilevel VFD technology with up to 90% less power loss in the motor compared to conventional converter technology. “Aerzen turbos stand for maximum energy efficiency, absolute reliability, reduced maintenance costs and low life cycle costs, making them an ideal solution for supplying oxygen of the aeration,” emphasises Sales Engineer Christian Meyer from AERZEN. Minimum machine footprint Thanks to the air foil bearing with double coating, Aerzen turbos offer an extended bearing service life of up to 80,000 operating hours regardless of start-stop cycles and are virtually maintenance free. The only thing that needs to be done is to change the filter regularly. The reduced dimensions warrant a minimum machine footprint - ideal when space is limited. AERZEN manufactures and develops all of its products via in-house production. This means that all components can be perfectly matched with each other and ideally adapted to the operating process.
This guarantees maximum reliability, operational reliability and cost-effectiveness.

50% higher oxygen input thanks to state-of-the-art aeration

The aeration elements were also modernised as part of the renewal of the blowers. Instead of candle diffusers, large-format aerators ensure that the air provided by the
AERZEN packages reaches the pool. At the same time, the configuration was optimised and the area increased from 60 m² to 160 m². 50% more oxygen can now be
entered with the same amount of air. This enables enormous energy savings. Thanks to the new technologies - blowers and aeration elements - as well as the construction of a pre-treatment and digested sludge plant, the tank volume could be reduced: instead of three, only two aeration tanks are needed. The third basin, which had its own compressor station with a further three machines, was taken out of permanent  operation and serves as a buffer basin.

Extensive construction measures

The primary clarifier and digestion tower reduce the COD freight for biology by a third, as the primary sludge from the primary clarifier is fed to the digester (capacity approx. 2,500 m³) together with the excess sludge. This results in an increase in capacity from 36,000 to 49,000 PE of the wastewater treatment plant. A gas storage facility (capacity approx. 500 m³), a gas flare with condensate water shaft and two block-type thermal power stations with a total output of 160 kW were also installed. In addition, the construction of a rake and grit trap, the switch from a belt press to a modern centrifuge for sewage sludge dewatering and the complete renewal of the EMSR technology and the associated process control technology (including visualisation system and remote maintenance option). To ensure sufficient performance, the capacity of the transformer station had already been doubled a few years earlier.

Massive cost reduction thanks to lower energy consumption and a higher proportion of self-generated electricity

In 2022, the Roskow wastewater treatment plant drew around 1.4 million kWh from the public electricity grid. The conversion to the new treatment process drastically
reduces this value. In 2023, the plant only needed 410,000 kWh of public electricity. That is a reduction of 70%. 330.000 kWh are saved by renewing the aeration technology and 660,000 kWh are produced thanks to sewage sludge digestion. Broken down to biology, the following image emerges: Before the optimisation measures, four packages were in
use for aeration tanks 1 and 2 and two packages for aeration tank 3, i.e. a total of six machines (not including the redundant machines). Following the switch to turbo technology
and new aerators, only two machines will be in operation on average - namely one AT 50 each for aeration tanks 1 and 2. That is an annual saving of 330,000 kWh - and that with a 36% increase in capacity from 36,000 to 49,000 PE.

AERZEN technology at all wastewater treatment plants in the association’s area

In connection with the construction measures at the Roskow wastewater treatment plant, the energy optimisation of the Nauen wastewater treatment plant will follow.
AERZEN turbo blowers will also be installed there - two AT 50 and one AT 100. AERZEN technology is also in use at the small wastewater treatment plant in Ribbeck
(350 PE). “AERZEN is a competent, reliable partner and we are very satisfied,” emphasises Thomas Hantke.

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Reherweg 28

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Phone: +49 5154 81-0

Fax: +49 5154 81-9191

Emmerthaler Apparatebau GmbH

Langes Feld 4

31860 Emmerthal

Phone: +49 5155 622-0

Fax: +49 5155 622-11

Aerzen Turbo Europe GmbH

Freibusch 2-4

31789 Hameln

Phone: +49 5151 92384 0

Aerzen Digital Systems GmbH

Hefehof 26

31785 Hameln

Phone: +49 5151 40302660

AERZEN Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG (Sales)

Reherweg 28

31855 Aerzen

Phone: +49 5154 81 4000

AERZEN Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG (Service)

Reherweg 28

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Phone: +49 1516 110 2901

Aerzen do Brasil Ltda

Rua Dionysio Rito, n° 300, Distrito Industrial III, L14 Q D

13213-189 Jundiaí

Phone: +55 11 4612-4021

Fax: +55 11 4612 0232


Pezinská 18

901 01 Malacky

Phone: +421 34772 5531

- Sales Office South West

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Phone: +49 6831 76828 0

Fax: +49 5154 81 716410

Aerzen Argentina SRL

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B1605BFO Munro, Buenos Aires

Phone: +54 11 47622351

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Phone: +33 1 46741300

Fax: +33 1 46660061

Aerzen Belgium N.V.

A.De. Coninckstraat 11

3070 Kortenberg

Phone: +32 2 757 22 78

Fax: +32 2 7572283

Aerzen Schweiz AG

Gewerbepark Morgenstern Im Alexander 4

8500 Frauenfeld

Phone: +41 52725-0060

Fax: +41 527250066

AERZEN Nederland B.V.

Fotograaf 3

6921 RR Duiven

Phone: +31 882379361


Typograaf 5

6921 VB Duiven

Phone: +31 88 9100050

ASP AERZEN Special Products B.V.

Bedrijventerrein Nieuwgraaf Fotograaf 3

6921 RL Duiven

Phone: +31 26 4463432

Fax: +31 26 4463049

Aerzen Finland OY AB

Teollisuustie 15

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Phone: +358 9 8194720

Aerzen Colombia S.A.S.

Centro Empresarial Metropolitano, Bodega 27, Módulo 2 (Autopista a Medellín, km 3,4) Cota, Cundinamarca,

Código Postal 250017 Código

Phone: +57 601 841 5730

Fax: +57 601 841 5730

Aerzen Austria Handelsges.m.b.H.

Gewerbepark Tresdorf II/1

2111 Tresdorf

Phone: +43 2262 74388

Fax: +43 2262 74399


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02-653 Warszawa

Phone: +48 22 489 55 22

Fax: +48 22 489 55 27


Alíz Utca 4

1117 Budapest

Phone: +36 1 4392200

Fax: +36 1 4391922

AERZEN CZ s.r.o.

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Phone: +420 519 326 657

Fax: +420 519 326658

Aerzen Ibérica S.A.U

Calle Adaptación 15-17

28906 Getafe (Madrid)

Phone: +34 91 642 4450


Rua Alfredo Lopes Vilaverde, 15B Escritório 3

2770-009 Paço de Arcos

Phone: +351 21 468 2466

Fax: +351 21 468 2467


Aerzen House, Langston Road

IG10 3SL Loughton, Essex

Phone: +44 2085028100


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757047 Singapore

Phone: +65 6254 5080

Fax: +65 6254 6935

Vos contacts personnels

Aerzen Taiwan Machinery

Branch office of Aerzen Asia No.170, Ln. 879, Guangfu Rd., Bade Dist.,

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Phone: +886 3 366 6660

Fax: +886 3 366 6536

Vos contacts personnels

Aerzen Scandinavia AB

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Phone: +47 91 81 49 00

Aerzen Scandinavia Denmark

Industrivej 2

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Phone: +45 33 11 54 54

Aerzen USA Corporation

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Phone: +1 610 380 0244

Fax: +1 610 380 0278


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J7V 8P2 Quebec

Phone: +1 450 424 3966

Fax: +1 450 424 3985

Aerzen México S.A. de C.V.

Ejercito Mexicano 108

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Phone: +52 722 235 9400

Fax: +52 722 235 9401

AERZEN MAKINE San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.

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Phone: +90 216 420 00 32

Fax: +90 216 420 00 79

Vos contacts personnels

AERZEN Machines (India) PVT. LTD.

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Phone: +91 2667 264-817

Vos contacts personnels


Via Raffaello Sanzio, 52

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Phone: +39 02 6707 5277

Fax: +39 02 6707 5003


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Phone: +86 21 3323 9000

Fax: +86 21 3323 9199

Aerzen Romania S.R.L.

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Phone: +40 21 243 1883

Fax: +40 21 243 1884

Aerzen ME - FZE

DSO-DDP-Office-A1-222 Dubai Silicon Oasis P.O. Box: 341445


Phone: +971 432 431 66

Aerzen Adria d.o.o.

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Phone: +385 42 370 808

Fax: +385 42 370 018

Aerzen Australia Pty Ltd

57-59 Rodeo Drive

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Phone: +61 3 97067702

Fax: +61 3 9706 8584

Aerzen Chile SPA

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Phone: +56 32 235 8900

Aerzen Perú SAC

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 Lurin – Lima

Phone: +51 1 434 3831


Sheraton Housing 35 el moltaka el araby, Nozha elgedida. Appt - 7, 8, 9.


Phone: +20 2 22698855

Fax: +20 2 22696611

Aerzen AIRGAS (PTY) Ltd.

175 Domkrag Street, Robertville Ext. 1

Roodepoort, Johannesburg

Phone: +27 0 11 474 2193

Fax: +27 0 11 474 2321


Patraikou 21-23, Flat 101, Palouriotisa TK 1048, P.O. Box 25283

1308 Nicosia

Phone: +357 22441222

Fax: +357 22490641

L.A Engineering & Consulting Ltd

PO Box 2907, 25 Ha‘ela Street

40500 Even Yehuda

Phone: +972 9 8996544

Fax: +972 9 8996547

Airgas Compressors (PTY) Nigeria Limited

3, Adebukola Omolabake Street, Off Eric Omobude Street, Ifako Bus Stop, Along Oworonsoki - Ogudu Expressway


Phone: +234 201 295 7871

Aerzen Thailand Co., Ltd

36/60 Village No. 5, Phlu Ta Luang, Subdistrict, Sattahip District

20180 Chonburi

Phone: +66 0 38 020 090

Fax: +66 86 664 1337


Representative office of AERZEN ASIA PTE. LTD Floor 8th, Unit 802A, Dai Minh Convention Tower, 77 Hoang Van Thai, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Vietnam

 Ho Chi Minh City

Phone: +84 28 3535 2760

Aerzen Turbo Co, Ltd

800 Jeongjung-ri, Osong-eup, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si,

Chungcheongbuk-28220 Korea

Phone: +82-43-238-6500

Fax: +82 70 4170 4567

local partner: DEWA Projekt OÜ

Väike-Ameerika 15

10129 Tallinn

Phone: +372 50 39239

Aerzen Finland OY AB

Teollisuustie 15

FI-02880 Veikkola

Phone: +358 9 8194720

Aerzen Australia - New Zealand Office

Unit 17a Hobill Avenue Wiri

2104 Auckland

Aerzen Australia Pty Ltd

57-59 Rodeo Drive

3175 Dandenong

Phone: +61 3 97067702

Fax: +61 3 9706 8584


Unit 6a, Castlecomer Business Park, Kilkenny Rd, Ballyhimmin

R95 Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny

Phone: +353 056 4400 439

Aerzen Korea Ltd

Hyundai Terrace Tower, E-dong #608, 7, Yeonmujang 5ga-gil, Seongdong-gu,

04782 Seoul

Phone: +82 2 6463 0063

Fax: +82 2 6463 0064

Aerzen Turbo Co, Ltd

800 Jeongjung-ri, Osong-eup, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si,

Chungcheongbuk-28220 Korea

Phone: +82-43-238-6500

Fax: +82 70 4170 4567

Aerzen Arabia Ltd.

Abed Al-Mis’hal Tower 9th Floor, office 907, Building 3958, District 35514 Al Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Phone: +966 13 362 8826

Service Centre - Aerzen Arabia Ltd.

Rezayat Group Dammam Port Area, Dammam Kingdom of Saudi Arabia