Screw Blowers Screw Blower
Delta Hybrid belt driven

Delta Hybrid is the perfect synthesis of positive displacement blower and screw compressor. Unlike the conventional positive displacement blower (max. 1,000 mbar), the innovative screw blower uses a new and unique 3+4 compressor profile, which is specially designed for low pressure applications up to 1,500 mbar.
Delta Hybrid thus closes the gap in the previous machine mix and offers a wide range of services for precise design to meet the most diverse process requirements. The result is a new level of cost efficiency for compressed air applications.


Volume flow:
100 to 9,000 m3/h

Differential pressure (Δp):
300 to 1,500 mbar


Conveying / Compression:

The advantages of AERZEN Screw Blowers at a glance:

  • Highest energy efficiency
  • Reduced life cycle costs
  • Belt drive: the best mix for efficiency, precise design, flexibility and maintenance
  • High reliability and durability also under extreme conditions
  • Largest volume flow control range
  • Reduced maintenance

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Extending the functional range for a wide variety of applications.

The Delta Hybrid is used in a wide range of key industrial applications. These units are designed for the oil-free conveyance of air and neutral gases. For positive and negative pressure use in nominal widths from DN 100 to DN 300.

Delta Hybrid screw blowers can be used globally. Also in zones where extreme ambient temperatures of -40°C to +50°C prevail. With Delta Hybrid, discharge temperatures of up to 230 °C are possible today. The prerequisite for operational reliability in all processes.

AERZEN Engineering

Where a standard solution is not sufficient, AERZEN develops special designs or special machine configurations. Always with an eye on making the process performance as effective as possible for every power requirement. Special designs include ATEX-compliant machines, special motors, acoustic hoods for special noise reduction or for extreme ambient conditions, special oils suitable for food and bevarage and intake filters with a higher filter class.


  • Sewage treatment
  • Drinking water purification
  • Pneumatic conveyance of bulk materials
  • River and lake aeration
  • and many more


  • Sewage treatment
  • Chemical and process technology
  • Glass and paper manufacturing
  • Food industry
  • Environmental technology
  • and many more

US Units

Type of technology
Screw Blowers
Positive pressure
Differential pressure (Δp)
300 to 1,500 mbar
Volume flow
100 to 9,000 m3/h
Conveying / Compression

The Delta Hybrid screw blowers

The Delta Hybrid Screw Compressor derives from the fusion between the screw compressor technologies and the rotary lobe blowers. This combination results in a machine that combines the technical advantages of the two concepts, offering new possibilities for generating positive pressure.

Roughly 90% of a compressor’s life cycle costs are consumed by energy. While this presents a huge challenge, AERZEN’s Delta Hybrid is providing companies with ideal solutions that enable large energy savings thanks to its compressor’s energy efficiency, even in high-pressure ranges.

Get the Delta Hybrid screw blower and enjoy benefits such as: 

  • Reduced life-cycle costs
  • Extraordinary energy efficiency
  • High reliability levels
  • Reduced maintenance needs
  • Increased range of pressures and applications
  • 100% pure process air, free of absorption materials and oil

There is no more comfortable way to generate pressure.

Significative energy savings, easy installation and commissioning, minimum maintenance: these characteristics are also directly reflected into the cost balance. A good reason for AERZEN to keep a special eye on them during the development of the Delta Hybrid Generation. The results convince even the smartest customers.

Extraordinary energy efficiency

  • New and unique 3+4 rotor profile
  • Energy savings up to 30% compared to lobe blowers
  • Extended turndown ratio up to 1:5
  • Optimized air flow within the acoustic hood
  • Belt drive to match exactly the process requirements

Extremely compact design

  • Space-saving side-by-side installation
  • Smaller dimensioning of machine rooms
  • Easy access for service and maintenance work
  • Integrated power suppy panel having the same footprint

Reliability and durability

  • Patented bearing, theoretical lifetime of more than 70,000 hours (at 1.000 mbar pressure difference)
  • Patented driving- and conveying chamber sealings
  • 100% oil-free per Class 0 (certified per ISO 8573-1)
  • Patented silencer w/o absorption material

Further information is available within the product brochures.

New Delta Hybrid sizes D13S, D17S, D25S and D30S

Delta Hybrid is among the most innovative solutions in compressor technology - and by far among the most efficient assemblies in its class. Now AERZEN has taken its globally successful screw blowers to the next technology level. The new types impress with smart features, further improved functionality and enormous energy savings of up to 30 % compared to a conventional positive displacement blower.

Screw Blower
Delta Hybrid belt driven
— Performances & dimensions

Positive pressure
Series Performance data Dimensions and weights
Pressure difference, mbar Volume flow*, m3/h Motor power, kw Sound pressure, max. db(A) Width (W), mm Depth (D), mm Height (H), mm Nominal size Weight, kg
D 12 H 1.500 670 37 73 1.250 1.350 1.500 DN 100 590
D 12 S 1.000 690 30 72 1.250 1.350 1.500 DN 100 590
D 13 S 1.000 775 30 72 1.250 1.350 1.500 DN 100 510
D 17 S 1.000 1.010 37 73 1.250 1.350 1.500 DN 125 520
D 24 H 1.500 1.370 75 76 1.250 1.350 1.500 DN 125 635
D 24 S 1.000 1.390 55 74 1.250 1.350 1.500 DN 125 635
D 25 S 1.000 1.440 45 74 1.250 1.350 1.500 DN 125 630
D 30 S 1.000 1.780 55 75 1.250 1.350 1.500 DN150 640
D 36 H 1.500 1.900 110 76 1.500 1.800 1.980 DN 150 1.098
D 36 S 1.000 2.150 75 76 1.500 1.800 1.980 DN 150 1.098
D 52 S 1.000 3.120 110 77 1.500 1.800 1.980 DN 150 1.305
D 62 H 1.500 3.400 160 81 1.700 2.055 2.111 DN 200 1.400
D 62 S 1.000 3.500 110 79 1.700 2.055 2.111 DN 200 1.400
D 76 H 1.500 4.440 160 79 1.700 2.055 2.111 DN 200 1.998
D 76 S 1.000 4.550 160 77 1.700 2.055 2.111 DN 200 1
D 98 H 1.500 5.600 250 81 1.900 2.200 2.345 DN 250 3.300
D 98 S 1.000 5.800 200 79 1.900 2.200 2.345 DN 250 3.300
D 152 H 1.500 8.700 400 81 2.100 2.850 2.345 DN 300 4.050
D 152 S 1.000 8.900 315 80 2.100 2.850 2.345 DN 300 4.050

Sound pressure level without blow-off noise, with acoustic enclosure.
* corresponds to the measured delivery volume flow converted to the customer-specific suction conditions p = 1,0 bar, t =20°C, rF = 0%

Information & documents


Delta Hybrid



Product overview






Control technology
