Tecnología con sistema

Además, AERZEN SYSTEMS ofrece una selección y combinación de compresores, proceso de secado, filtros, tuberías y el control de orden superior que necesite. Después de poner el sistema en funcionamiento, tiene a su disposición el servicio postventa de AERZEN. Así, su sistema de aire comprimido podrá contar siempre con un buen suministro.

Comunicado de prensa

2020-02-27 - Press Releases (Rental Division) About Aerzen Rental

A subsidiary of Aerzener Maschinenfabrik, one of the world leaders in low-pressure blowers and compressors, Aerzen Rental Solutions markets short and medium-term rental solutions around blowers and compressors manufactured by Aerzen. From our European depots, we can quickly manage our customers'…

Capacity bottlenecks or production losses are scenarios feared in every company and require a fast and efficient solution. AERZEN Rental Division (ARD) offers 24/7 fast and effective solutions to overcome problems arising in the supply of oil-free air for various application cases.

2020-01-29 - Press Releases (Rental Division) Air supplies for rent

For wastewater treatment, Kelheim Fibres operates two bio-high reactors. Due to increased production, the installation of a bigger third bio-high reactor had been necessary. The short-term increase in compressed air was produced by a rental unit of AERZEN Rental Division (ARD).

Información y documentos


Rental solutions



Product overview
