Hanover, Germany, hall 12 | stand D40 | 2025-03-31 - 2025-04-04
Benefit from our 160 years of experience and enjoy the exclusive advantages of AERZEN service contracts and of your AERZEN packages.
Regular oil changes and changing the air filters regularly extend the service life of your machines and reduce operating costs in the long term
压缩空气、气体与真空解决方案。 我们的核心业务: 气体压缩。 自 1864 年起,AERZEN 便为业界开发各种高性能机械设备。
我们的战略: 只要您有需要,我们就会出现在您身边 — AERZEN 全球服务网络。 150 多年来,始终追求完美。
Rent a solution - Expect Performance. Aerzen Rental rents high-quality oil-free blowers and screw compressors supplied by the German manufacturer Aerzen.