[Translate to German:]
AERZEN, as a specialist in cement applications, has improved the pneumatic conveying coal feeding system to the main burner at the Holcim Colombia plant. The plant is located in Nobsa, a small town 2.5 hours away from Bogotá. The plant capacity is about 3Mt/year of cement and has a market share in Colombia of 12%, with high growth expectations following the establishment of the Lafarge Holcim joint venture in 2015.
In 2014, Aerzen USA optimised the pneumatic coal-conveying transport to the main burner, also known as the Pfister system. In this application, two AERZEN GM 35S tri-lobe blowers from the ‘90s were in operation. Each machine operated at an intake volume flow of 37.4 m³/min, differential pressure of 600mbar and with a 75 kW (100 HP) electric motor. The noise generated was calculated at 102 dB as the machines didn’t have acoustic hoods (local Colombian regulations define 80 dB as the maximum allowed noise level). Power consumption demand for the system was measured at an average of 54 kW per machine, which represented an annual energy cost of USD 78,000 (considering a kW cost of 0.1 USD and 20,000 hours MTBR - Mean Time Between Repairs).
At Holcim Colombia, each production area is independent in its operation. This makes upgrading projects for specific applications easier. At Holcim, the corporate policy says that every kW counts.
[Translate to German:] Testimonial
[Translate to German:]
Javier Forero, Pfister Area Manager, indicates the results “10% energy consumption reduction, about 20% noise level reduction in the operating area thanks to the improved acoustic hoods, better control of the coal flow into the burner which improves our kiln operation”.
- Artikel Integrated Industry – cleveres Management für Ihre Prozessluft
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