AERZEN at POWTECH 2023 - from 26. - 28. September 2023
Hall 4, Stand 4-253 and 4-257 | Trade fair centre Nuremberg
Visit us at our stand at Powtech 2023 in Nuremberg. Experience highly efficient and digital solutions for countless applications for pneumatic conveying of powder and bulk materials. Always reliable and safe, of course also in sensitive ATEX zones. Discover the innovative blowers and compressors with smart control technology. Our system concepts offer decisive advantages for the digitalisation of your process air systems to make them sustainably more transparent and, above all, more efficient.
We look forward to getting in touch with you.
Trade Fair Highlights
Trade fair actions
Your portrait for a better climate.
For every photo, AERZEN plants a tree!
One highlight at Powtech 2022 was our photo campaign for more climate protection. Through your help, 200 trees were planted last year. Each tree contributes to a neutralisation of 22 kg/CO2 per year. This
corresponds to a train journey from Nuremberg to Paris.
We want more and are continuing our action! Join us again this year for our photo campaign!
Hall 4, stand 4-257
Trade fair party with delicious AERZEN cocktails
The AERZEN fair parties are legendary.
Enjoy the "Singing Bar-Keepers" and taste the delicious AERZEN cocktails, such as "The AERZEN fantastic 4, Screw Mule, Hybrid Royal, Mind Blower, Turbo Punch or AERprogress" while having interesting conversations.
On Wednesday, 27.09.2023 from 16.30 hrs
Hall 4, stand 4-253
Trade fair review - POWTECH 2022

Delta Blower
Delta Screw-Belt driven
Delta Screw-Direct drive
Aerzen Turbo
Food Industry
Cement Industry
Safety Standards